The Columbus Affair #1 in on the Czech Bestseller Lists
September 10, 2012
Elizabeth and I just returned from a visit to Prague where we had a terrific book event attended by about 200 fans, many of whom brought complete collections of my books for me to sign. It was quite something. Our trip to seems to have been productive. My Czech publisher today told me that The Columbus Affair is #1 on both the hardcover and electronic lists. Thanks to everyone at Domino for making that happen and thanks to all of our readers in Czech. Elizabeth and I plan to return to Prague next September, as part of the cruise we’re taking with fans. The King’s Deception, Cotton Malone’s next adventure, will be released there at the same time. We’re looking forward to another visit. Prague is one of our favorite places in the world. Click here to see the cover of the Czech version of The Columbus Affair.